Everyone has Talent. What is rare is the courage to follow that talent to the dark place where it leads. Erica Jong

26 October 2009

From Jeanie

Prettiest flowers I've seen in a long while.
(...or, likely to see, shy of a flower store)


Jean said...

This is one of my favorites, too.
Bougainvillea. Actually belongs to a neighbor but it hangs over my fence so I get to enjoy the beauty, too. My bougainvillea are a bright purple and a bright pink.
Hard to imagine something so pretty has huge, mean thorns but I know from painful experience that it's true.

I had so much fun taking the photos and playing with them in edit!
I hope they make you smile and perhaps even inspire a painting or two... or three. Or, four. d:-)

Middle Ditch said...

Very, very nice indeed

Not really looking for comments on this post. Just exploring different things with the color, eh? Hope you don't mind....

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